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The Cheapest Way to Get to Machu Picchu (Updated 2019)

The Cheapest Way to Get to Machu Picchu (Updated 2019)

Want to know the cheapest way to Machu Picchu? Let us show you the way! Not only will it save you at least $150, but it will also be one amazing travel adventure.

Riding Horses in the Uruguayan Countryside | A Tale of Two Dreams

Riding Horses in the Uruguayan Countryside | A Tale of Two Dreams

Hidden in a quiet corner of Uruguay, you can find an alternative to the traditional estancia so common across South America's southern cone. Caballos de Luz, a place built on dreams, is the animal lovers horse ranch.

Our Top Nine Things to Do in Nicaragua

Our Top Nine Things to Do in Nicaragua

Nicaragua has the potential to become Central America's #1 backpacker spot - here's our pick of the top things to do in Nicaragua!

Inti Wara Yassi | Where The Forgotten Animals of Bolivia Are Loved

Inti Wara Yassi | Where The Forgotten Animals of Bolivia Are Loved

In a small town outside Cochabamba, the forgotten animals of Bolivia are given a second chance at life. We visited Inti Wari Yassi to learn more about their mission to rescue and rehabilitate the victims of animal cruelty.